Saturday, December 15, 2012

3-grain cereal

So, I've discovered a new favorite hot cereal! My old favorite cereal was a 9-grain cereal that my mom got from Honeyville in Utah. But I can't get that very easily, and this 3-grain cereal I can make myself. It also tastes just as good, and I like the texture better. AND as an added bonus, it has millet, a lactogenic grain.

3-Grain Cereal

1 c. whole wheat kernels
1 c. millet
1 c. brown rice

Mix all three grains together and store in an airtight container. To prepare the cereal:

1/2 c. cereal
2 c. water
1/2 t. salt

Crack cereal in blender for 30-45 seconds. Boil water and salt, and add cereal, using whisk to stir it and prevent lumps from forming. Turn on low, cover and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve with milk and honey or brown sugar.

Makes: 2 servings

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Book review: What your doctor may not tell you about children's vaccinations

It's really nice that I can read while I breastfeed. That way, while I am nourishing my baby I'm also nourishing my brain. And since I've been pregnant, I've been intensely interested in health issues. One of those issues that is foremost in my mind is children's vaccinations.

My mom didn't believe that children's vaccinations were necessary; in fact, she thought they were downright dangerous. So we had very few vaccinations. But now that I have a child of my own, I decided to find out for myself where I stood on the issue. So I have been doing some research.

As part of my research I read this book: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations. I have found it to be a fascinating read. It's written by Dr. Stephanie Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P. She states that her main goal is to inform parents and to encourage them not to just blindly accept all the immunizations that are recommended.

Although I can't agree with everything Dr. Cave writes, I do appreciate the information and insights that she offers. She covers the controversy about autism, autoimmune disorders and neurological damage and their possible connections with vaccines. To say the least, she has convinced me that there is a connection between thimerasol and autism.

Dr. Cave suggests that we are over-vaccinating our children. This I find reasonable. But I can't agree with her that the rise in autoimmune disorders, autism, ADHD and other diseases is solely connected with the rise of mass immunization since 1955. She fails to take into account the fact that since 1955, besides mass immunization, we've also had a rise in processed foods, families breaking apart and technology in the home. There are so many factors and so many changes in our lifestyle that it really is not as clear-cut as she makes it.

But her book is immensely valuable. She covers each of the recommended childhood vaccinations, describes the ingredients and the process by which they are made, the possible adverse reactions, the Center for Disease Control's recommended times for administering them, as well as her own recommendations for when they should be given. She also includes the controversies that surround each vaccine.

She also has a chapter on vaccines that are being developed and what might be coming in the future, what rights parents have in the face of state mandates, insurance information and things you can do to reduce the risk that comes with getting the vaccines. She also includes a section on who to report to if there is an adverse reaction. It's great that she encourages parents to take responsibility and action.

Overall, it is a very interesting, comprehensive read, and I highly recommend it.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Millet cereal

I just discovered a new grain: millet! Well, I had heard about it, but I finally have eaten it. Since it's a good lactogenic food, I decided to try it. It is supposed to be high in calcium. I found this recipe in my favorite cookbook, Set for Life. The recipe notes that you can soak the millet overnight to make a fluffier cereal. It works great without soaking, too, though.

Millet Cereal

2 c. water
1/2 t. salt
1/2 c. millet

Put ingredients into a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and cover. Cook for 25-30 minutes. Serve with milk and honey or brown sugar.

Makes: 2 servings